Tz0 Poll


What does the Tz0 Poll do?

Tz0 Poll is a web-based application developed with the purpose of generating and applying satisfaction surveys and various questionnaires. The simple and intuitive interface reduces the learning curve of tool use, requiring no in-depth training.

What do I get with Tz0 Poll?

Agility in the process of creating new searches and user-friendly interface, thus Tz0 Poll does not require large training investments. As it is a web application, it runs directly in the browser, which makes it light and fast, improving machine performance without changing it. For example, in the relationship sector of a company where the last product launched did not get the expected acceptance, it can work on the exact improvements so that the market can accept it through the help of the tool Tz0 Poll.

Compatibility with various browsers

Tz0 Poll works with the major browsers found on the web: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Google Chrome. It is a tool developed using Cloud Computing technology where access occurs through the internet browser, and it is not necessary to have the Trauma Zer0 suite installed on the computer. Its interface is simple and intuitive, reducing the learning curve of tool use, requiring no in-depth training.

How can Tz0 Poll help me?

Through Tz0 Poll you can create satisfaction surveys for your clients in a quick and customized way, generating specific results for each problem.


  • Agility in the process of creating new searches;
  • Reduces training costs;
  • As it has a user-friendly interface, Tz0 Poll does not require large training investments;
  • Product with support to 3 languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish);
  • Multiplatform support, Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, iOS and Android;