Report Generator

Executive Information System

Tz0 EIS makes it possible to browse any type of information available in your company's database. Advanced features make it easy to implement specific reports that use the SQL language. In addition, the product has several mechanisms to present information as easily as possible, table pivot features, statistical conclusions on top of results, interactive data bottleneck mechanisms and Business Intelligence features.

It has never been so easy to access a report!

With Tz0 EIS, the complex task of producing accurate reports is reduced to a few clicks! It allows the scheduling of calls through parameters transferred to the software, as well as the creation of quick access links and menus that run reports automatically. It has a function intended to create reports in the SQL language called SQL Ajuda (SQL Help), this function facilitates the creation of reports, as it does not require any programming knowledge by the user, simply drag and drop the boxes and define what and how to show in the report.

Creation of searches with SQL language for the main Market Databases

It allows the user to develop using the standard market language for consultations in the database and program his/her searches in a customized way. Supports the leading databases on the market. All functions are perfectly operational in both Oracle databases and Microsoft SQL Server databases.

It already comes with an infinity range of reports

It has +600 ready reports. With the "Search Builder" feature, it is also possible to edit all the existing reports in the database, adding or removing fields, so you can create new reports derived from existing ones, but with your own customizations, adapting them to your needs.


  • Reports that assist in decision making;
  • Management of the different reports available;
  • Customization of existing reports and surveys;
  • Compatibility with various types of databases;
  • Easy to use;
  • Excellent performance;
  • Integration with the operating system;
  • For immediate access to certain reports, it allows the creation of links, both on the desktop and the menu;
  • There are +600 reports ready to consult the information generated by the Trauma Zer0 Suite softwares;
  • It offers countless practicalities, aiming at a greater dynamism in the application of features, without losing efficiency in information generation;
  • "Self-Service" feature, which allows you to define what you want to dig from the database in a few clicks;
  • Product with support to 3 languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish);
  • Support to plataform Windows.